Who is the construction site manager? What obligations are included in the scope of general contracting?

The solution that involves the involvement of only one company in the comprehensive implementation of all construction works of a property is called the general contracting system. The selected company deals with every stage, from the foundations, through the structure, to the assembly of the installation. This is why the general contractor is responsible for synchronizing and coordinating each individual stage of work.

When deciding on one of the many companies offering their services, it is worth paying attention not only to the company’s experience and portfolio, but also to the licenses that its employees have. One of the most important license is the construction site manager – a person without whom no investment can be realize.

Who is the construction site manager?

Construction site manager is officially responsible for work realization based on a previously planned project. The manager may be one of the employees general contractor company or, if the company does not have a person at this function, he should be found and employed on his own. It is an important element of the investment because the function of the site manager is a legal requirement for performance of any works. The ideal solution is a which has employees working at the mentioned function – this solution enables much easier and faster decision making, planning activities and of course – their implementation.


General contractor’s obligations

While the investor’s duties include the preparation of documentation, the involvement of the investment manager, the development of a Occupational Safety and Health plan (OSH) and ensuring access to water and electricity, the general contractor is responsible for all works carried out on the construction site. His duties include not only verifying the design documentation and identifying possible difficulties that may arise during the implementation. General Contractor is also responsible for the synchronization and coordination of the work of all teams involved in the whole process, as well as securing the construction site. Upon completion of the works, the general contractor delivers to use the property to the investor in exactly condition which has been specified in the previously concluded contract.